Hey SWANCON goers,
It is now two weeks away from the convention! I hope you’ve planned your break, booked your accommodation and notified the pets because SWANCON is almost upon us.
Today I would like to talk to you about buying your membership before the convention. Firstly it benefits you. You receive your badge with pre-printed name and a list of the panels (if any) that you are on.
Secondly it benefits SWANCON. We use the pre-paid membership money to pay for hotel costs, guest costs and buying t-shirts and hip flasks so that you can have the best convention possible.
You can buy full convention tickets and day tickets at our store.
Mon/Thurs $40/35
Fri-Sun $75/55
If you have already bought your membership, thankyou. If you have bought multiple memberships then now is the time to transfer your ticket to the people you bought it for.
1. Log into our website, swancon.com.au
2. Click on your name in the top right hand corner and select ‘My Memberships’.
3. Click ‘Transfer’.
4. Type in the email address of the person who you wish to transfer the ticket to.
If you have any difficulties with the transfer please email secretary-2016@swancon.com.au
Again, thankyou to all those who have already bought their membership, I will see you at the convention!
Isobel White
Convenor 2016